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Dear Year Six Teachers, 


John O'Sullivan was an Australian engineer and the creator of Wireless Fidelity or WIFI for short. The actual term 'Wireless Fidelity doesn't mean anything and was used for marketing purposes only. In my opinion a notable person is a famous or important person, a person that has an impact on our lives and changes the world for the better, a person worthy of attention or notice. John O'Sullivan hits all those marks. He's important, crucial to our present day. He's work that he did with his team CSIRO has changed the world, making everyday things easier.  


First and foremost,  John's invention is the basis of the high-speed network and used in hundreds of billions of devices all around the world. Imagine our world without your laptop, your iPhone or your television. Without his invention these things wouldn't exist and if they did they would be bulkier and would require thousands of cables to connect to the internet. With his new invention he compacted these devices to the ones you know and love. His invention is the reason I can write this and you, as my teacher can mark this without ever having to meet in person. O'Sullivan and his team ushered in the age of high-speed, always-on wireless connectivity that we enjoy today. 


Secondly, WIFI can link people with anyone and with any information they want. This can be through Zoom, messages or even OneNote, the platform I'm using right now to write this.  All of this, this online teaching, the zooms with friends, they would be impossible if it weren't for the work of CSIRO, if it weren't for the work of John O'Sullivan. It might be hard to believe but technology of this kind wasn't around a few decades ago. It might be hard to believe that you couldn't search up the latest news or look at the newest feed in your YouTube but it's true.  


Lastly, WIFI has improved most of the digital devices and introduced a new age, the digital era. O'Sullivan did this by compacting them, making them faster and more reliable. By introducing this new technology he released a breaking point which 23 big tech companies stole and made over with 5 billion devices holding the stolen tech. There was legal wrangling and in the end the lawsuit went in CSIROs favor with a revenue of $405 million. These companies included, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Microsoft, Nintendo, D-Link, Belkin, AT&T, Verizon, Toshiba and T-Mobile. This groundbreaking development is the basis of all devices.  


In conclusion, John O'Sullivan and his team in CSIRO are crucial to our daily lives. Their invention was the key to the digital age, changing the world for better and making our lives easier in every aspect. Their invention is used day to day and can link their users to anyone or anything in the world. In my opinion and I hope yours is the same after this, is that John O'Sullivan is a person worthy of our attention and notice. I hope that you see that John O'Sullivan is a notable person. 


Yours sincerely, 


Devlen Huynh 

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