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What does WIFI stand for? 


When we first decided on the name, Wireless Connectivity, our patent, the Americans weren't thinking about describing the invention but thinking about how they could get as many as possible sold. So from then on what WIFI stands for is nothing and is only used for marketing purposes only. 




What was the purpose for your team you worked with? 


The first time I came to CSIRO I looked at the future team members, Graham Daniels and Terence Percival, I knew I would need them. On the eve of 1989 Graham came to me and asked me if I need help. Instantly I said yes and thus the team of three began. They were extremely helpful and were an essential part of building my legacy, WIFI. 




What was your inspiration for the WIFI? 


Well when I first found the WIFI it was totally by accident and I didn't know what to do with it. I basically just winged it and let the wind take me where it wanted. That didn't mean that we didn't work hard. There were many long nights that left me exhausted but we kept going. Personally, without the team to help, mentally and physically, I don't know how I would have done it. 




What brought you out to the Netherlands?


When I first found out that I had an opportunity to work in a foreign country, I jumped at the thought of it and booked my ticket straight away. I met Dr Robert while I was working under the PHD of Chris Christian.   




What made you come back to Australia?


What made me come back to Australia was the feeling of homesickness and the longing of family. I came back in 1983 and joined CSIRO in 1990. There I had many great memories, so I'm happy I came back home.. 




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