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Diary Entry


John O'Sullivan 

2:53am 10/6/1983 


Cc: John O'Sullivan 


Dear CSIRO, 

Hey there. Just got back from Netherlands after working with Dr Robert. Jees that was hard work. The signal processing. I don't know what I'm going to do when I arrive on campus, but I hope I can help with the work. We're probably going to work on another modification to the telescope but who knows? We might just even invent hologram from star trek. At least it's not rocket science. Ha. Anyway, I got to hop to another plane. See you soon.  






5:17am 10/6/1983 

To: John O'Sullivan 



Hey John, 

Glad to see you back. We're honored to have you working as the Head of engineering. Everyone is so excited to meet you. Terence keeps on telling us about the work you did in the Netherlands. Hope you can share it when you arrive. Just telling you, right now, me and the boys in the Division of Radio physics are setting up a new signal processing technology. Yeah. Another one. Same thing over and over again. The same thing every day. I mean we signed up to this, didn't we? Anyway, enough of me boring you. Can't wait to see you.  


Graham Daniel. 









John O'Sullivan 

7:21am 1/1/1990 


Cc: John O'Sullivan 


Hey Daniel, 

New year, new ideas. Isn't that, right? Yeah, well staying on topic, I just found a new radio wave. A NEW RADIO WAVE. I was toying with a few ideas when I turned to Stephen Hawking's theory of black holes. I was looking for black hole signals when I found this wave. I know it doesn’t sound like much but think about all the possibilities we could do with it. An interconnected highway in the sky. All the devices connected to one thing. No more faulty wires or plugs. Just a single device that can join you anywhere to anyone. Just think about it, alright. 


John O'Sullivan 





7:24am 1/1/1983 

To: John O'Sullivan 



Dear John, 

I Just received your email. WHAT. A new radio waves. That’s like the stuff you get an award for. Maybe even get written about. And an interconnected world. That’s like science fiction. That’s like out of this world. That’s like Star Wars. I'm going to tell Terrance about this and the other things you sent me. Is that alright with you? Hope it is cause I'm going to do it. Side topic, I was just thinking, if this 'radio wave' of yours gets serious, maybe we could ask for a patent. Like the US. Enough of work. See you soon. 


Graham Daniel 



John O'Sullivan 

7:51am 1/1/1990 


Cc: John O'Sullivan 


Hey Daniel, 

Yeah. That's okay with me. I'm thinking about the highway, and my computer. I was typing this exact email to you when my cable fell out. That sparked a thought. What would have happened if we didn't need computers? The signals could be so small, so insignificant, smeared into the background of the louder signals, like the black holes. I'm not promising anything, but I think I'm going to be working on this for a bit. Anyway, I'm not going to be in the lab for the next couple of days as I'm going to meet my family.  


John O'Sullivan 










John O'Sullivan 

8:32pm 7/4/2005 


Cc: John O'Sullivan 


Graham Daniel, 

I've had enough of those computer chip manufactures. They've stolen our tech and haven't paid royalties.  I'm taking them to court whether you like it or not. I hate this. I hate Dell, I hate Microsoft, I hate all of it. All our work, all our time wasted. Please don’t get angry at me. I'm just... you know what. Don't worry. You won't see me all week as I'm driving back to my family in North Shore.  


John O'Sullivan 




10:24am 8/4/1983 

To: John O'Sullivan 



Dear John, 

John. Don't worry. All of us feel the same way as you. It would have happened sooner or later. We're going to support you no matter what. Even if you run for president. Just take some time off, some time to work things out and we'll talk about it when you come back. Terence and I are going to do some figure something out while you take your hard-earned break. If you ever need to talk, I'm here.  


Graham Daniel 




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