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Who am I? 


Born an Australian in nineteen forty seven,  

He had made more than $403 million by two thousand and eleven, 


He moved to the Netherlands and constructed a telescope, 

Stolen from his invention, he never gave up hope, 


He had a dream for an innovation, the definition of accessibility, 

This innovation was arguably the most important utility, 


With the help of CSIRO and years of dedication, 

He saved the world from the sixth largest nation, 


On the eve of two thousand and two, 

The first unlicensed WLAN flew, 


So CSIRO stood for litigation, 

CSIRO stood for justification, 


They were Microsoft, Dell, Nintendo and many more, 

The characteristics that they openly showed told of their weak flaw, 


Most of the world was appalled at their disloyalties, 

So one by one they had to pay the royalties, 


So who was this man of which my interest began, 

He is none other than John O'Sullivan. 




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